New Moon in Libra
It is an auspicious evening, the evening of the New Moon in Libra. And I'm often talking a little bit about the astrology of the moment before we go into the sequence.
Because there are some kind of stellium constellations which are happening, which are unusual, as it were. And in this moment, the unusual stellium in the constellation of planets in our solar system is that six of those nine planets are retrograde, At the same time, this is very unusual.
I will not go into the technicalities of what it means to retrograde, but it means that the planets, it's an optical illusion, but the planets appear to be going backwards. Okay. And when that happens, it's kind of as if the gravity of those huge heavenly bodies are kind of pulling back on the gravity of our planet. And the influence of that is that it can feel as if we're slowing down as if things in life are just kind of on pause momentarily.
It can sometimes give rise to frustration, it can make us feel a little bit anxious that things are not progressing or not moving forward quickly enough.
It really opens the space if you like the energetic space, and the inner space for reflection and contemplation. And oftentimes, when that is happening, it draws us into the kind of deep, deeper, probably more shadow parts of ourselves where there are issues waiting to be discovered, or to be remembered. And this can also give rise to uncomfortable feelings. A lot of people that I've spoken to, in the last week or so have said that they've been having trouble sleeping, or that they wake up two or three times in the night. Normally, kind of on particular times whether it's two or three o'clock in or four o'clock in the morning. For me, it's four o'clock, think every night last week, I just woke up four o'clock, lights on. And it's just like a moment in time, it's like I'm awake, but it's really awake. It's like from fast asleep to awake. And it's an interesting time to be awake at three or four o'clock in the morning. In English, we call it the dead of night.
And I think the reason why it's called that is because the majority of people in at least in the geographic location and the country where you are, are asleep at that time, the overwhelming majority of people are asleep. And when people are sleeping, that kind of psychic field, the psychic energy that comes from everybody's thoughts and all the vibrations and all the magnetism and all the energy that comes from incessant thinking is suddenly down.
Down. This is why in all spiritual traditions, it is advised to wake up at that time. Because then you have those few hours before everybody starts to wake up and rise up and the psychic energy in the field starts to suddenly become more electric and more magnetic. And in the spiritual traditions, it is advised to wake up at that time it's called the twilight when the night is becoming the day. It is also advised to kind of contemplate or practice meditation on the other twilight when the day is becoming the night. And this twilight zone is where there is transformation where there is transition, where the atmospheric physics are kind of ripe, if you like for yoga and meditation.
And this quiet time in the morning, very early in the morning is really a special moment actually to do that kind of self inquiry. That kind of deep listening, that reflection if you like or prayer, I'm using that time oftentimes for prayer.
For me every thought is like prayer. So I wake up when I wake up at that time, I am listening first. And then praying or praying and then listening. Someone said to me that praying is like talking to God. And meditation is like listening to God.
I think both is important.
The other interesting thing about this night is that this is the night when all of those planets start to move forward.
In sequence now, all of the planets that have been retrograded are about to move forward. Starting with tonight, I think Mercury goes forward tonight. Mercury is that in no Greek mythology, the god of communication.
And I thought that in the spirit of that, we will do the sequence for communication, it's always a good thing to do to try to clear the throat chakra because I will elaborate as we go through the programme, but the throat chakra is the healing centre in the body for many reasons, mainly because it is one of the most sophisticated parts of the human anatomy. There are many delicate and sophisticated instruments all loaded into this very small part of the body. I will talk a lot about the anatomical function of the neck and the throat and all of the instruments housed inside tonight.
It is also the place in the body where we stop fear, where fear gets trapped, the fear of being misunderstood, okay, the fear of being rejected, the fear of being not accepted as it were.
And communication can do both of those things. It can either clean misunderstanding, or it can create misunderstanding, and it depends on what the motive and intention is behind.