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The Sancuatry of Solidarity

  • 20 Carrer de Montcada Barcelona, CT, 08003 Spain (map)

It is with great pleasure and humility that we are happy to be able to offer you a rare opportunity to take an exclusive place on an exquisite experiential sensorial event, specially curated to coincide with the strong magnetic currents and cosmic forces of the Sagittarius New Moon 🌙

15h We Begin

We begin with an Opening Ceremony, including a Mini-Kirtan to send our intentions and energy into the Ceremonial Cacao from Nicaragua

15h30 We Move

We transition into guided movement of dance and slow yoga flow to encourage the cacao medicine into our blood streams

16h We Transform

We are then guided into a sweet Yindalini session - think slow groovy Kundalini accompanied by live music

17h30 We Heal

As we slip into Savasana crystal singing bowls help to transition us into theta state where we open for a Quantum Healing experience

17h50 We Yoke

We join together in a final mantra to close the gathering

18h We Gather

Free time for conversations, warm beverages and light snacks at the bar (a la cart)

1 December

An Evening of Yindalini Yoga & Meditation - New Moon

10 December

December Retreat - Swiss Alps